Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Sunday September 16th 2012.

To give you a quick update on orientation we have spent the mornings studying Swahili  with various afternoon activities mixed in to help us better understand the Kenyan culture. 

One of many highlights this past week involved our group traveling to a group home called Shelter Children's Home.  This is a community of children from the area who have been abandoned or have lost their family members.  As our van pulled up to the administration office many of the children were lining the steps singing in our honor.  We all introduced ourselves and walked into a circular room where children of various ages sang and danced welcoming us to their country and culture.  These beautiful children are all attending schools in the area. Some who grew up in the shelter are working towards their University degrees.  It is hard to describe how special this experience was and how moving and hopeful these children are.  They are inspirational and reminded me of how I am in the right place. I am so grateful for them welcoming us into their community and I hope to spend more time with these children this year.  I hope these pictures help give you more of an insight from this experience. 

A couple of Saturdays ago my roommate Nicole and I went with my lovely host sister Cafrine to a Neighbors Against AIDS event which she planned.  The event was filled with food, Zumba and cancer screening.  Nairobi Women's Hospital sponsored the afternoon for communities around the city.  It was quite an adventure to say the least.  After helping with registration we were encouraged to Zumba dance with about a one hundred other people. Needless to say my host sister said we we tried and she could tell we were off beat and had little rhythm.   We just looks ridiculous basically.  So as if that didn't make us stand out enough when it was time for food we were the honored guests and cut the entire line. So as I was walking back with my food out of no where a bird swoops down and takes the chicken right off my plate in front of everyone in line. So I guess you could say we served as entertainment for the whole event.  
The AIDs awareness event my roommate Nicole far left, my host sister Cafrine, me and two Nairobi women's hospital directors.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha I am gonna need to see some of these Zumba pics! I seem to remember what you look like when you dance! Sounds like you are having a great time girl!! Keep safe, have tons of fun and thank you so much for taking the front line and representing your family and our church :) We miss you, send our love and are awful proud of ya!
