The Kenyan elections were peaceful and all is almost back to
normal here in Nairobi. The CORD candidate Raila Odinga is challenging the
elections but peacefully in court. The president elect Uhuru Kenyatta could
face challenges as he faces charges at the International Criminal Court coming
in the next months. This past week the entire country of Kenya was stopped as
the results slowly came out and the winner was announced finally after five
days of waiting in front of the TV. Kenyatta needed more than 50% of the vote
and came out with 50.07% just making the cut. It seemed like everyone in Kenya
was glued to the television last week- busses did not run, stores were closed
etc. Everyone was anxiously waiting to see what would conclude the final
announcement. Many were fearful of a repeat of the 2008 election where hundreds
of people were killed in post election violence. Thankfully through the
constant peace preached in church, and many media reminders and the
determination of Kenyans peace prevailed.
I have been living with Phyllis’ husband and Will while she
has been back in the US finding new YAVs and stuff. He has told me multiple
times that he is not responsible if I blow away by the wind because I am so
small. He thinks that I don’t eat enough and is always at the dinner table
telling me to take thirds and fourths during meals. He has been testing me this
past week to see if I can run an African home also and has said that I pass so
that’s encouraging.
These past few weeks I have spent a lot of time writing
articles and hanging out with my friends here who are great. I love it here so
much! I am trying to find excuses to stay longer because my friends and I are
trying to cram all kinds of things in. I have so many more families to meet
here and places to visit.
Aside from that I have been going to multiple churches
because all my friends want me to visit their churches. So far I consider my
two home churches St. Andrews PCEA and Christco Central Church. I have really
enjoyed both places and feel much at home at both. I am also working with
Christco which is near Kibera (the largest informal settlement in Nairobi) to
get a children’s home set up in that area. This will be to help empower street children
who have lost their family members to provide them with quality education and
skills necessary to survive in Nairobi. I hope that somehow I can manage to help this cause.
A picture of Kibera. 
I have also been helping a young girl named Blessing who is
four years old. She was burnt badly with third degree burns on her face when
she was two. She was at the point where she did not have eye lids and faced
blindness because of infection. We were able to get her treatment at a hospital
in Uganda which provides low cost treatment. They were able to perform reconstructive
surgery for this little girl and since I have been arranging and escorting her
to the hospital here to get her stitches out and go for checkups. Blessing is
doing much healthier now that she can close her eyes, she also now can eat food
by herself and her nose is in better shape than it was previously. It is nice to be able to help make a
difference in this young girls life and ensure she has a future.
I have also felt a bit discouraged from my church home. I do not really feel supported by them and rarely hear from them. I know that without their financial support I would not be here but it is also nice to have some encouragement especially since I am representing them.
I have also felt a bit discouraged from my church home. I do not really feel supported by them and rarely hear from them. I know that without their financial support I would not be here but it is also nice to have some encouragement especially since I am representing them.
Catherine please don't feel discouraged about your home church. We support you completely and are very proud of you. Now that I have figured out how to get here and how to prove that I am human and not a robot (???) I will try to share this knowledge with our fellow church members. It isn't easy but it pales in comparison to what you are doing. Thank you very much for all that you do for First Presbyterian Church Oxford, MS!
ReplyDeleteI hope that you will not feel discouraged for long. We were talking about you in church this morning at the 8:30 service. What you are doing is awesome. Not only your parents, but we are all very proud of you!
Bill Mayo